Consumer Area

Consumer Area

Female Tradesperson - You’re in Safe Hands with Our Trusted and Vetted Members

Are you looking for a registered female electrician, female plumber or another female trade to fix a job in your home or business?

More Choice for You

The Female Tradesperson website and directory was set up to give more choice to consumers - choice for you to decide who you want to work for you.

Qualified, Skilled Female Tradespeople

The website enables you to source qualified, skilled female tradespeople when your situation means you need or prefer a gender-appropriate person to carry out a job.

Not only will you have greater choice, but you will also be able to choose a tradesperson you feel comfortable with and, in return, support women in trade roles.

All of our trades have been vetted and meet our high standards of quality, expertise and customer service.

Search for A Female Tradesperson

So, if you are looking for a female electrician, plumber, painter or plasterer, we have a person to do the job.

To search for a female tradesperson please fill in the search bar on the home page or choose a category from the Directory.

Any other questions? Please email us on: