Users FAQ

Users FAQ

Resolving issues with a femaletradesperson work?

We do not ask a user visiting our site to search for a female trades person via our directory to register or sign up, therefore we can not identify that a user has directly engaged with their chosen tradesperson via our directory.  So we are not able to mediate or assist in any disputes. All our members are qualified, certified and are members of the relevant trade bodies for there area of the industry, and... read more »

Do you remove members who fail to meet your standards?

Yes we would remove anyone who does not comply to our T&Cs and code of conduct. Also if we are informed of repeat poor performance we will remove the member from our more »

Do you guarantee the quality of your members’ service?

All our female tradesperson members are independent businesses who are soley responsible for the work they provide and carry out. It is not possible for us to guarantee the quality of our members’ work as we can not approve them as a trading association would. What we do advise it that we obtain qualifications, certifications and any memberships for every tradesperson that is relevant to their trade. By being a member of female tradesperson they agree to... read more »

Is there a charge to the consumer to use directory?

To use directory is entirely free to the user. It is the members listed on the directory who pay to be listed on our directory. Users can leave feedback for our traders based on the work that has been done for them, which continues to improve the reliability of a tradespersons more »

How does work?

We are here to provide you with an online listing of female tradespeople, within a geographical area and by trade, so you have a greater choice of qualified people to do the job. Our vetting process is to provide additional assurance that any tradesperson you may wish to engage with is capable of completing your job. However, we also encourage users to contact and undertake their own checks and due diligence so you can... read more »